Friday, April 6, 2012

Interesting Ideas

I found this list of ideas when I was surfing the internet.  Not all of them are genius, but some really are pretty good.
Tell me what you guys think, should I post things like this too or stick to recipes?


  1. I loved those ideas! Especially since Dad & I were crawling the computer table this very morning to track down missing speaker cords! Way to make a timely share!

  2. Good ideas! I think you should post whatever you want, cooking and non. And life especially so I can know what you are up to. :)

  3. I vote for more of these kinds of posts (but still cooking posts, too). I liked a lot of these ideas!

  4. I think some of these ideas are genius. I love your recipes, but you also have some hilarious graphs and other things. Besides, I don't think we'll sue you if you post a non-recipe. Krista might. But you're safe with the rest of us. : )

  5. Genius--makes me want to go make some cookies so that I can try doing them on the bottom of a muffin tin! I wonder if it would really work as well as it looks in the pic...
